Trick-or-Treat time is almost here and that means neighborhoods full of kids will be out after dark in search of holiday treats.

It also means that drivers need to take extra care to avoid accidents and having to file a claim with their auto insurance.

Children are twice as likely to be involved in a car accident than any other age group, a risk that increases on Halloween.

Follow these safety tips suggested by auto insurance agencies and we can all do our part to keep Halloween safe and enjoyable for everyone!

Drive Slowly In Residential Areas

Halloween night is busy anywhere kids wander about trick-or-treating.

Drive very slowly in these residential areas, even slower than posted speed signs, as it is more likely to encounter a larger number of people walking than would normally happen.

Slower speeds allow for a faster reaction should someone dart out in front of you, thus reducing the chance of a car accident.

Expect Unexpected Stops

Avoid a rear-end car accident that requires a call to your auto insurance agency by watching the vehicle in front carefully and expecting frequent stops.

Cars may stop when kids enter the road to cross the street and many parents follow their kids in the car to keep an eye on them.

This means a lot of start-and-stop traffic, which can very easily turn into a car accident if you’re not paying attention.

Additionally, avoid passing stopped cars since it’s possible there could be kids crossing in front of them to get to the other side of the street.

Don’t Get Distracted

Though it's tempting to get sidetracked by enjoying those cute kids all decked out in Halloween costumes while creeping along or waiting for the car in front of you to drop off trick-or-treaters, avoid it.

Distractions are one of the most common causes of car accidents, especially in slow zones like construction or school zones.

Watch for Kids In Dark Costumes

Although it’s best when parents take steps to avoid auto accidents by ensuring that kids can be seen in their costumes, don’t assume that every child will be in reflective clothing or have a flashlight or light stick to make them more noticeable.

Be on the lookout for kids in dark clothing, especially when driving past parked car, and slow down so you can stop quickly.

Expect Many Pedestrians and Yield To Them

As a driver, it’s your responsibility to yield to pedestrians who are crossing at designated crosswalks, at ;corners, and other common places to prevent pedestrian and car accidents.

In neighborhoods where kids are out trick-or-treating, expect that most of the rules will be ignored and children could be crossing a street almost anywhere.

Drive slowly, look for people who may be trying to cross, and yield to everyone regardless of where they are crossing.

Know that there may be lots more people walking along and crossing the roads and you’ll need to stop for them.

Keep Halloween A Treat With Careful Driving

All kids and younger ones in particular love Halloween and going out trick-or-treating.

Auto insurance agencies warn that kids are also unpredictable, especially in situations like trick-or-treating where they have permission to be out walking along the sidewalks and roadsides.

Do your part to prevent a car accident and having to make a claim with your auto insurance policy by remaining vigilant and careful while driving through residential neighborhoods every day and especially on Halloween.

Let trick-or-treating stay fun and safe by being extra careful behind the wheel!

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